Janine Notten study- /language- /text guidance


Primary school tutoring


As a teacher I can help children with the primary school curriculum. My experience as a speech therapist offers more depth in reading and writing. After all, speech therapy pays a lot of attention to the reading and writing conditions such as: the understanding of language, the pronunciation of sounds and visual, and auditory exercises.




Dutch tutoring


(Dutch as a second language, speaking, listening, reading, listening, grammar, spelling)


I can help people with Dutch in the broadest sense of the word. Whether it is the pronunciation of sounds, learning how to read and write or to study Dutch as a second language, I will be able to help you. My experience as a speech therapist/teacher comes in particularly handy when I teach the pronunciation of sounds, as well as during the process of reading and writing.


As a Dutch second language teacher, I have worked with people on different levels, from illiterates to highly educated people. Each client has their own request for help. This question can involve learning to read and write, learning the basics vocabulary, conversation practice, writing texts, help with studying for the civil integration examination or the state exam and so on. During the intake we discuss his or her wishes and possibilities. Based on this I will set up a teaching programme.  Everyone is welcome!






Training Image thinking


In practice the training image thinking is part of the lesson.


Image thinkers take over on the right!

Image thinking: about five percent of all children think and learn in images instead of words. These children process information primarily through the right part of the brain. For word or language thinkers, this is primarily done using the left side. The curriculum in schools is often offered in the "word and language" form. As a result, Image Thinkers often don’t understand or remember the offered curriculum.

If it is not (timely) established that your child is a visual thinker, your child will find it more difficult to properly process the curriculum in comparison to classmates. This means children cannot fully develop their potential.



Training Image thinking

When Image Thinkers are able to translate (part of the) curriculum into images themselves, they can often make enormous improvements in their learning development. Through a training in Image thinking I teach the children (and parents) how they can do this. I followed this course at the ECLG expertise center learning & behaviour ( In addition, I have gained experience with my own child who thinks in images.




Help with writing texts (theses, papers, website texts).


From my experience as a journalist, copywriter and teacher I can offer assistance with writing texts in terms of content, structure, grammar, or spelling. I work at the client's request.

Do you need help with your thesis, paper or website? Please contact me.



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