Janine Notten study- /language- /text guidance



About me


My name is Janine Notten. I am a speech therapist, primary school teacher, trainer Image thinking, Dutch as a second language teacher and journalist. Communication is central to all professional fields. I offer personal guidance in a relaxed atmosphere, where I draw on a broad experience.





I started out as a speech therapist. After this I studied Journalism and Teaching. The first question about my professional life is therefore often: why did you do three professional high education studies? The answer to this is the core of my being: because I am curious, eager to learn, and extremely interested in everything that has to do with people, their development and communication. I like to enrich my knowledge; I think it is even better to transfer knowledge and to discover what we can learn from each other.  Communication is central to all these three occupational fields. Therefore my choices of study are almost obvious. Through my broad experience I am able to combine these professions; this is my greatest strength.



Mission and vision


My day cannot go wrong if I manage to help someone in his or her development. The current time is fast and stimulating; therefore I find one on one guidance in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere very important.


I hope for a future in which people are not put into ‘’boxes’’ unnecessarily. Where we look for a practical and personal solution for someone’s difficulty. I hope to contribute in this process.




Training / courses


  • Trainer Image thinking, ECLG Expertise Center learning & behaviour
  • Fontys Pabo
  • Academy for Journalism and Information
  • Training Speech Therapy / Akoepedie, Rehabilitation Academy
  • VWO



Work experience


  • Owner 'Janine Notten study / language / text guidance'
  • Language teacher Dutch international students UM: Jules and You
  • Dutch second language teacher to adults and young people, from illiterate to advanced level; integration program. Employers: Leeuwenborgh education, Gilde education, Jeroen Bosch Institute, Leeuwenborgh education, Ooverbruggen.
  • Primary school teacher: replacements Mosa Lira and Stichting Kom Leren
  • Copywriter/(Corporate-) journalist: PS Tekst & Training, ABP / Uszo and various magazines and newspapers such as Limburgs Dagblad.
  • Speech therapist: Maasgouwschool school for multi-handicapped children, District health service Zuidelijk Zuid-Limburg, and various replacements at the practice of Carine Schoonbrood-Dinjens, Don Bosco school ZMOK school, Petrus Dondersschool VSO-MLK



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